Clean water feels like coming home to me. God used it a number of years ago to wake my heart show me how to love Him by caring for others. I am excited for this opportunity to come home and in such a deep provide JOBS and training and not "just" a quick fix.
Our goal is to raise $550 by April 7, 2012. Will you join us?!?
Our family has 3 ways you can join us:
1. GIVE. You will be blessed. Just give!
2. We'll make you chocolate chip cookies - $20 for 2 dozen chocolate chip cookies. We'll mail them anywhere in the US.
3. Buy a water drop shirt. $25/adult, $20 children. See my blog ( for more info!)
The cookies and shirts will need to be paid through paypal to me, and I'll then give to this page as we go!
THANK YOU THANK YOU! We CAN make a difference!!!
I'm joining The Adventure Project to change the face of the water crisis. Not with charity. But with jobs.
Tragically, 1/3 of all wells drilled in the last 20 years are now broken. Often there's no tools, spare parts, or trained mechanics to fix them.
So we’re proud to partner with Water for People, to help expand and accelerate their well mechanics program across rural India. This is the most effective way to ensure people have sustainable access to clean water.
OUR HUGE GOAL: empower 186 people to become well mechanics in India. Every $550 we raise helps one mechanic receive:
*Training classes
*Tools and spare parts
*A one-year stipend to help an entrepreneur launch their business.
And here's a really cool part: One well mechanic will care for 50 wells which will ensure clean water for 5,000 people!
Our family's goal is to raise the funds to help 1 mechanic. Our kids are SO excited about this! Thanks for your support!!!
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